They say a picture is worth a thousands words. What does it mean when a picture renders you speechless?
It’s not often that we come across a body of work that speaks to the very core of what we believe to be true of the work that we do every day.
Play With Me stands for the freedom to express ALL OF YOU. Without shame, without a sense of inferiority or fear of judgement. We understand that the most limiting beliefs that we have exist through our own doing.
Scrolling through the imperfect project, a personal project undertaken by Johannesburg based photographer Quintin Mills, we are humbled by his expression of woman in their purest form and his very delicate, astoundingly accurate interpretation of what is true.
We salute you Quintin Mills. We know all too well what scars we carry as women. How we feel about ourselves deeply impacts every aspect of our lives, our levels of personal pleasure, and our most intimate relationships.
Founder: Play With Me

‘I started this project to produce beautiful photographs of women of all shapes and sizes, young or old, big or small, with tattoos and scars, those who love their body and those who really don’t.’
The imperfect project is not about nudity, it’s not about bums and boobs. It’s about creating an image that could bring them to tears.
Either for the effort it took to get there or for the realization that their body is not as bad as they thought it was.
You are beautiful, you are amazing, you can go from thinking ”imperfect” and start believing ”I’m perfect”!
Miss S
This project presented me with the perfect little full stop I was looking for, to signify the end of a period of isolation, introspection, self doubt and recrimination. A period in which I realised how closed off to the world I had become.
Miss A
I really needed this. Something big to challenge myself, find myself and love myself at the same time. I also think every woman needs this. Women need this to express themselves, to say HEY world, I’m a woman and I may not be perfect, but I’m perfectly beautiful!
The project is about empowering women who are not confident about their shape or size and to create an image that could bring them to tears. Either for the effort it took to get there or for the realization that their body is not as bad as they thought it was.
Find out more about the Imperfect Project here.
Having met Quintin in person, it is easy to understand why making him your photographer of choice for a shoot such as this is so easy to do. He has a keen interest in people, in making them feel comfortable, and capturing the true essence of that which appears before his lens in the most magical of ways!
Quintins vast portfolio covers a range of services for many an occasion and requirement, access them here.